Though there is a seeming competition to be the best, or to be better than the next person, the real deal is that your only authentic competition is the divine potential of who you are now, measured against the fulfillment of your life’s expression, that is to say, the long-term fulfillment of your destiny through moment-by-moment fulfillment of your intention in cooperation with others for the best and highest good of all involved.

I’ve learned that I’m never competing with anyone; I’m only-ever-always on my own journey. How far I get, versus how far I could get is the only comparison to measure. This is not about narcissism, but it is about having the freedom to be passionate in planning and pursuing what matters AND being free to celebrate others’ success as much as my own. We can each be this way when we’re clear there’s no threat to us, no limitation for us when others succeed. It’s true that we can’t have the same something that another got if it’s one opportunity that’s wanted by many, and what’s also true is that when the one opportunity comes and goes we can move in search of another, even if it’s from a different source, or best of all, be willing to receive from an unknown or unexpected source. I promise you it happens every day.

Likewise, you never have to suppress your fabulosity or brilliance or joy. There is so much work to be done in this world that we need each other to show up as cutting-edge creations or at least our personal best. When your colleague shows up and shines, consider saying, “Thank you – on behalf of the universe!” And in those times when you know you did the doggone thing and nobody praised you up appropriately, I invite you to stand in front of the mirror or sit at your desk and say whatever words your soul needs said. You deserve it. I’ve been known to write myself a letter or two or three.

Whether you light a candle, stand in the sun, or focus on your inner flame, SHINE YOUR LIGHT – of acknowledgement, clarity, honesty, and compassion – as you measure the distance between where you are now and the ground there is to take in fulfilling your intentions and cooperating with others for the best and highest good of all involved.

Journey Well, My Friend!

Success with Joy,

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